Monday, December 28, 2009
When You are in a funk... H.A.L.T
Thursday, December 10, 2009
PR, Tiger Woods, and you...

- Gillette "The Best a man can get."
- Gatorade "Is it in you?"
- Accenture "High performance. Delivered."
- Nike "Just do it."
- AT&T "More bars in more places."
Monday, December 7, 2009
Giving During the Holidays - Some Ideas
Some possibilities:
1. Deliver meals on wheels so the person who normally does that volunteer work will have more time with their loved ones
2. Invite someone who will be alone to participate in your family's holiday celebrations
3. Take time to go visit a friend who has become homebound due to age-related or health challenges
4. Consider giving time or a gift in the name of your children or grandchildren who may already have their needs well supplied.
5. Consider giving a Shelter Box in the name of your family - then share with them the news of where your family was able to make a real difference when the box is finally placed
6. Call those family members who are separated by miles - especially those in the older generations who have already lost some of their siblings and many of their dear friends
7. Share a few fond memories of "how it used to be" with your children and grandchildren - too often this history is lost and the bridge between generations is damaged
8. When you prepare those family favorite dishes, make copies of the recipe to have available for those who enjoy it.
9. Give everyone you meet a warm, friendly smile!
10. Take time to follow your spiritual traditions and be true to the moral compass your faith brings to you.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Are you living a STORY?
- It has a character that wants something so bad that they are willing to overcome any obstacle, run through any wall, and conquer any mountain to get it. Without that, you don't have a story. You are the character in your story, are you on an adventure towards something you want? What is it? Are you willing to overcome the obstacles to realize your dreams?
- Every story starts with a look into the character's life and mind. The story shows you that the character is a "good" person, a person making in a difference in some way. Why? Because, nobody cares if the character wins in the end if we don't know they are a "good" person, making a difference. Are you making a significant difference? Does the world see an impact because of you in some big or small way? Do people want you to win in the end? Do people rally around you and your cause? Or, are you standing idly by?
- In every story the character doesn't really and truly make changes towards the life they want until something makes them move. Someone loses a job, loses a spouse, loses an opportunity, loses a life, a friend, or focus and they are finally forced or driven to change. Are you saying you want to do, see, get, or be someone someday? What is it? Why don't you have it yet? Are you waiting for an event to make you move? What has to happen in your life before you are willing to go after the life you want? What can you do to make it happen now?
Thursday, November 12, 2009
What do you WANT?
What do YOU want?
I mean really what do you want, not what you SHOULD want, but what do you really WANT?
Sometimes those things are the same. I should go to work today and I WANT to go to work today. Great! That is an important distinction. When you live your life the way you should instead of the way you want your heart, emotions, desires, and mind are sitting on the sideline as you live your dutiful existence moving through the motions without passion.
What are you doing in your life that you SHOULD be doing?
What are you NOT doing that you SHOULD be doing?
I should go to church. I did go to church because I SHOULD.
I should go home and hang with my family. I did go home and hang with the family because I SHOULD.
I should make that sales call. I made the call because I SHOULD.
I SHOULD take my spouse out. ETC. ETC.
What is it that you do without emotional passion and desire because you SHOULD?
Now, don’t take me wrong I’m not saying we all need to ignore whatever we SHOULD be doing. Instead of ignoring, we have to make the mental and attitudinal shift to quit saying I SHOULD and change it to I WANT to do this.
Most of the time it’s as simple as catching your self in the middle of a SHOULD and simply replacing the word SHOULD with WANT. It’s time to get YOUR passions and emotions off the bench and into the game of life.
The bottom line is you have an incredible life to live. Start living it because you WANT to and stop living it because you SHOULD. It’s time for YOU to get emotional involved in YOUR life. If you need help making the switch, please contact me anytime!
May we hit the ground living the life we WANT to live today!
Enjoy Life!
Jon Bohm
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Money, Money, Money
- As a score card?
- As a tool to living your best life?
- As a tool to help others?
- As a tool to make more and buy time?
- As a tool to making our world a better place?
- As a slave to the "grind" so you always make more of IT at any expense?
- As a tool to the system of working in the "rat race?"
- As a slave to the never ending search for security at the expense of opportunity?
- As a slave to the never ending search for self worth in things and stuff?
Monday, October 19, 2009
Emotion is the Difference
"Success is not driven by knowledge or skill, but by the emotional desire to achieve. We do not run on fuel from our head but rather fuel from our heart." - Jon Bohm
Monday, September 28, 2009
The Most Powerful things in Life are SIMPLE BUT NOT EASY
In high school I wore a baseball cap that had the name brand "SIMPLE" on the front. SIMPLE is a great clothing and shoe manufacturer. I had a boss that would always make fun of me for wearing that hat. His jokes always themed around the idea that to be simple is to be slow... and basically a moron.
As you can imagine, I'm over it now- ok I still have a little resentment :). As a matter of fact, I couldn't disagree with that assumption (that "simple" means you can't even tie your own shoes) more! The mark of a brilliant person is to be able to take complicated ideas and make them simple enough to be useful and practical.
The greatest things in life are simple:
- Love
- Friendship
- Compassion
- Making Money
- Saving Money
- Starting a new healthy habit in the New Year
- Quitting an old unhealthy habit
- Staying active
- Eating Healthy
- Improving your quality of life
- Raising truly great kids
- Developing greatness in others
- Making the world, or at least your world, a better place
Maybe, as you were reading that list you started to disagree with me? What do you think? Simple? Is it simple to love your spouse? Is it simple to raise great kids? Is it simple to make money? To eat healthy, make the world a better place....etc?
Of course. It is SIMPLE. However, it is NOT EASY. Somewhere a long the line I believe just about everything in our culture has confused simple with easy.
So, let me ask you. If you could change anything in your life and improve on some things, what would you change?
Take a moment....ok got it?
Now, let's be real honest, is it a simple change?
I would be willing to bet all 3 of those things could realistically change in the next 12 months. Could they? If so, than why haven't you changed them already? What is getting in your way? What simple thing has become complicated or difficult and why?
Let me ask another question? Are you becoming more and more, everyday, the person YOU WANT to be in the future? Are you pulling your future into your present? If you are stuck in a rut, or if you know what simple things you need to change, than change them and don't make it complicated. Or, reach out for help. I help people every single day accomplish SIMPLE but not EASY things that they never thought were possible!
If you need help, reach out.... to family, to friends, to a professional like myself, or all the above and get your life moving. Just because it's simple doesn't mean it's easy, and it doesn't give you an excuse to just keep saying that "someday" I will be different and quit smoking, start a business, love my spouse better, make more money, etc."
Enjoy your life and make changes NOW, because "Someday" never comes without changing things NOW.
Jon Bohm
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Key Questions when Hiring a Coach
"If you would attain what you are not yet, you must always be displeased by what you are. For where you were pleased with yourself there you have remained. But once you have said, “It is enough,” you are lost. Keep adding, keep walking, keep advancing; do not stop, do not turn back, do not turn from the straight road." — St. Augustine
- Are they a good fit for you? Do you like them and trust them?
- Are they results focused? A lot of people will charge you good money to listen to you. But, will they help you actually achieve the results you need in your life and business? Knowledge is NOT power- APPLIED Knowledge is power.
- Do they have legitimate names and numbers of people you could call to see if they are truly good at what they do?
- Are they focused on long termdevelopment of you and your life, or is it short-term training that you will have to try and remember?
- Do they help you get past the obstacles in your life and business or are they just focused on your goals?
- Do they help you in life and business? Or do they just focus on one or the other?
at has extensive knowledge in their industry, but a good coach
can help you develop your skills and attitude in a field they
may not even know much about. If you need training look for
a good consultant or mentor. Although, some coaches do very
well in both roles.
Often people will look for a coach with the most degrees.
But, degrees do little in determining whether someone is
good atmotivating, inspiring, developing, and applying the attitudes
and action of others.
Sometimes people think they have it all figured out and
don't need help. We all need help, every good coach will hire
coaches themselves and they are always focused on life long
the world. Don't fall into the trap of thinking you have arrived.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Lighting the Fire of Success

You get the best results from others not by lighting a fire beneath them, but by building a fire within." - Bob Nelson
I want to ask you a simple question today. What drives you?
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Is it the Wise thing to do?
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Be a Stuntman...not a Dare Devil

- 1-10 - How much risk is involved?
- 1-10 - How strategic have I been? And how many resources have I put into my plan for success?
- 1-10 - How hard have I worked toward my success?
Monday, July 6, 2009
Be the Mother of Invention
- Write it down dummy. How many ideas have I forgotten that were brilliant if I could just remember! When ideas show up...capture them on paper or computer ASAP.
- Do a Patent search at You can see drawings of other people's ideas and dig deep to see what makes your idea different.
- Get your invention "Patent Pending" ASAP at - From what I have gathered you describe your invention and and create some drawings with a nominal fee your invention is officially "Patent Pending" and you no longer have to guard it with your life.
- Ask around. Now is the time to voice your idea and start your market research. Is it a viable invention. Will people pay money for it? Is it profitable?
- When your Patent is approved (can take up to a year or 2) you can use a patent attorney that can be quite pricey or you can do it yourself as in step 3. Fees will range around $1500 for you to do it yourself or around $20 k for a patent lawyer.
- Market it and sell it yourself or try to sell your patent license to someone else. Usually a company.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Self Fulfilling Prophecy
But the opposite is true all the time. If you say you "Can't" then you most definitely will not.
William Purkey tells a great little allegory concerning the value of feeling good about ourselves:
A mouse ran into the office of the Educational Testing Service and accidentally triggered a delicate point in the apparatus just as the College Entrance Examination Board’s data on one Henry Carson was being scored.
Henry was an average high-school student who was unsure of himself and his abilities. Had it not been for the mouse, Henry’s score would have been average or less, but the mouse changed all that, for the scores that emerged from the computer were amazing—800s in both the verbal and quantitative areas.
When the scores reached Henry’s school, the word of his giftedness spread like wildfire. Teachers began to re-evaluate their gross under-estimation of this fine lad, counselors trembled at the thought of neglecting such talent, and even college admissions officers began to recruit Henry for their schools.
New worlds opened for Henry, and as they opened he started to grow as a person and as a student. Once he became aware of his potentialities and began to be treated differently by the significant people in his life, a form of self-fulfilling prophecy took place. Henry began to put his mind in the way of great things. . . Henry became one of the best men of his generation.
We can apply this concept to our every day life and business in simple ways. When we have a week, a day, an hour, or a conversation that goes bad we will begin to "Self-talk" at an alarming rate and in that moment we have a tendency to say some negative things about ourselves, our abilities, our products, our ideas, or our companies. Of course none of these things are usually true but in that moment that couldn't be more real.
Using a simple tool called "Affirmations" is an easy and simple way to combat the negative self talk that could arise during a work day.
Affirmations are an expression of the person you know you need to be to achieve the results you want.
An affirmation is a self-fulfiling prophecy that should be placed in a place you can read them daily- in the car- in the bathroom- at your desk - on the office wall- etc.
"I am a great sales person"
"I like to eat healthy"
"I make 500 k a year"
"LIfe is Good"
"Today is an awesome day"
Let me encourage you to write 3 and only 3 affirmations on a 3 x 5 card and read it 3 times a day.
Use the following criteria to write a great affirmation:
-Make it 1st person
-Present tense
-Within your realm of belief
I know most of us automatically picture the Saturday night Live Skit and think this can sound a little hokus pokus, but it works. And in my world if it works and gets results then it has value.
I dare you to try it and watch your self talk, self image, and results change for the better!
After all life IS Good and it's just getting better!
- Enjoy Life Today!
Jon Bohm
Monday, June 15, 2009
Connecting Emotionally
- What are they thinking?
- What are they feeling?
- What are they experiencing?
Friday, June 5, 2009
Just Jump already! What are you waiting for?

"Leadership is doing what everyone else says they will do."
- Take my dream vacation?
- Start my own business?
- Forgive that family member?
- Write a book?
- Get engaged?
- Learn to play the guitar, ride a motorcycle, etc?
- Go Skydiving?
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Believe YOU can then SEE it happen
Some things have to be believed to be seen. ~Ralph Hodgson, The Skylark and Other Poems
One of the greatest facts of human behavior I have seen in all the people I work with is that if you think you can. And if you think you can' are right about that too.
Working with athletes ranging from Pro- Golf to Basketball- it is true that if you can't visualize and really believe that you can make that putt, hit the shot, or nail that drive you just won't do it. Sometimes the greatest hurdle stopping us from achieving the life we say we want is simply our own ability to BELIEVE WE CAN.
What about you? What is a success you want in your life? Do you believe you can do it?
Sometimes we have habits of thoughts that stop us. Maybe from your family, an old coach, a past experience, something we made up out of thin air that stops us from believing we CAN.
Do any of these habits of thought stop you:
- You have to have money to make money
- Being wealthy is not Spiritual
- I don't deserve it
- My family didn't raise me to care about money
- I don't have those talents
- Getting your Masters is a long hard road.
- I'm not smart enough
Friday, May 22, 2009
Helping others "Get it"
Monday, May 4, 2009
Defeated is Temporary, don't make it Permanent
“Being defeated is often only a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent.” – MARILYN VOS SAVANT – Recorded in the Guinness Book of World Records Hall of Fame for the highest recorded IQ.
Do you ever wake up and just feel “defeated?”
We all have days that are “bad” days; we lose a deal, an employee or friend doesn’t make a crucial phone call, the bid goes to someone else, the news station says we will “never” recover, your phone is on the fritz, you feel sick, find out bad news, or get chewed out by the boss. Etc. etc.
This is the crucial moment where we have to make the decision to accept things the way they are at this moment and be “defeated.” Or we take the other option which is to accept the responsibility to change our circumstances.
In High School people would always tell me that I would never play in the NBA. I accepted that as truth and just let that dream die. As it turned out, 4 of the 5 of my High School starting team went on to play Division 1 college hoops and some went to the NBA.
I learned a valuable lesson, “don’t ever let someone, anyone, tell you what you can’t do.” Sure the odds can be stacked against you, sure it may not seem possible, and it doesn’t matter. You decide what you will accept as truth, you decide what you can and can’t do, you decide to accept responsibility for your life and circumstances and let everyone else “accept the way things are.”
You see, life is not made up out of whether bad things will happen or if bad days will come, because they will. Life is made out of those situations when someone decides to either be temporarily defeated or permanently destroyed. We kill our own dreams, nobody else can do that for us.
As for me, I will guard and protect my dreams and own the responsibility for making them happen. How about you?
-Jon Bohm
Monday, April 20, 2009
Be, Know, and Do your way to Future Success
- Who do I have to BECOME?
- What do I have to KNOW?
- What do I have to DO?
Friday, April 3, 2009
Be a Dreamer
— Woodrow Wilson
- Make a list of at least 100 dreams or give it 30 minutes and add 25 to it every week until you reach 100.
- Then go back and see what really tugs at your soul, your passions, what drives you?
- If you had to narrow it down to your top 5 most important to you, what would they be?