Monday, April 20, 2009

Be, Know, and Do your way to Future Success

"What we KNOW, and what we DO, can not be separated from WHO we are."- Jon Bohm

So, do you have your dream list?

Are you clear about what you want in your future?  If not, read the last few posts and build a list of the places, things, people, life you want to experience.

Once you have climbed the hill of building your dream list, then you have a clearer picture of where you want to go.  But dreams, much like sand, have a tendency to slip through our fingers if we don't hold onto them tightly.  

A friend of mine spent years living what he thought was his dream to be a great Trial Lawyer, and indeed he was excellent.  He had great knowledge, and he did everything need to be excellent in his lawyer role.  But, it stressed him out everyday, he didn't like who he was becoming each day.  Instead of becoming more loving, understanding, and emotionally connected to those around him he became colder more distant and focused on the task at hand instead of the people at hand.   It wasn't WHO he wanted to be.   I may even argue it wasn't WHO He really was in the first place, but rather a dream, that somewhere along the line he allowed to separate himself from who he wanted to BECOME.  Not just what he wanted to KNOW and DO.

I am convinced that KNOWING WHO we are is one of the biggest factors to achieving real success towards our dreams.  What about you?  Do you know WHO you are?

Here is a simple exercise to help you find out:  take a dream, don't pick a hazy dream, pick a crystal clear dream you can feel, touch, and almost taste it's so clear.
Ok, got it?

Now ask yourself in order to achieve that Dream:
  • Who do I have to BECOME?  
  • What do I have to KNOW?
  • What do I have to DO?
Do you like what you see?  Do you like who you have to BECOME?  Achieving a dream can never just be about what we know or what we do, it has to be about becoming the person we really want to be.

What about you?  Are you currently living out a path to a dream?  Are you becoming the type of person you want to BE?  If the answer is no, then I highly encourage you to take another look and begin chasing another dream.  Don't lose yourself in chasing dreams.  Use dreams to find who you really are.

And if you need help, I can help you put all the pieces together and find your purpose, chase your dreams, and become who you REALLY want to be- maybe find WHO YOU REALLY are.

-Jon Bohm

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