You get the best results from others not by lighting a fire beneath them, but by building a fire within." - Bob Nelson
I want to ask you a simple question today. What drives you?
What really gets you going? What makes you so excited you can't sleep? What makes you so angry you would run through walls to stop it? What do you care enough about that you would sacrifice for it? Where is your fire?
Don't say money. Money can be a score card. Money can be tool to be used to stoke your fire. Money can be something that opens opportunities, provides influence, or invests in a cause you care deeply about. But, what is that "cause?"
What is your "Cause?" What is your "purpose?" Everyone has a purpose just like everyone has a heart. What's yours?
This may surprise you, but I hire a personal coach every year to help me grow personally and professionally just like all my clients hire me, and my coach turned me on to a powerful story of a man named Ralph Metcalf (above on Right). Read about him on Wikipedia or in the history books, but something you won't read is that Ralph Metcalf had a stated purpose statement for his life. For Ralph it was "to honor and serve his country." That is why he ran in the 1936 Olympics against Hitler's German squad, this is why he volunteered to fight in World War 2, and this is why he ran for congress at a time in our country when it was obviously difficult for a black man to gain a seat in politics. Bottom line... his purpose statement was his "Fire within."
What's yours? Find it. Breathe it. Live it. Or, call someone who will help you dig it up and get to really living on "purpose." After all, if you want a fire you have to fuel it and you have to light it, before you ever feel the heat.
Make the next stage of your life a magnificent obsession, rather than a meaningless odyssey.
Enjoy Life and LIVE today!
Jon Bohm
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