Are you a lucky person? Or are you unlucky?
Have you ever noticed that how much luck someone has is directly proportionate to how much risk they are willing to take?
Why do some people have the midas touch?
While the touch of so many others seems to turn things into ashes? Have you ever noticed that some people just seem to be luckier than others?
Take scenario one: you become a "dare devil" and jump out of a perfectly good airplane with no plan, without the knowledge, and without the hard work in preparing for your jump. If you survive, well than, you are lucky, maybe even miraculous to some degree.
However, take scenario 2: if you plan and bring a parachute, than you learn how to use your parachute, and you work hard to prepare for your jump on the ground or in a wind tunnel than your odds of being lucky and surviving are dramatically better than the first scenario.
In both situations you jump from the same plane. In both situations your risk is the same. But in scenario number 2, your chances of getting lucky are very high. Because, you planned your risk with meticulous work like a stuntman who strategically thinks his stunt through, not a daredevil who just jumps.
So, what about business and getting lucky?
The entrepreneur that takes a gamble and opens a widely successful business in the worst recession our country has seen since the great depression, lucky?
The investor who fires his financial planner and takes matters into his own hands, and turns a profit of 40 k a week instead of losing it when everyone around him told him to "Buy and hold." What do you think, lucky?
The stay at home mom who opens her own on-line store, only to get so many orders she can't keep up. Lucky?
My answer is....Yes, very lucky.
However, my definition of luck has an equation. Luck doesn't happen to everyone. Why do some people seem to be luckier than others?
Over the years of working with many people, in many industries, I have found what I believe to be the equation to how lucky an organization or person may become. I trust it so much, that I consider it to be a fortune telling equation on how lucky someone will be.
Stop and think. What is a new adventure or thing you may want to try? Ok, got one in mind?
Using a scale of 1-10. 1 being poor and 10 being excellent. Rate your future idea in each of the following categories:
- 1-10 - How much risk is involved?
- 1-10 - How strategic have I been? And how many resources have I put into my plan for success?
- 1-10 - How hard have I worked toward my success?
After honestly rating your new venture in each of the above categories, you have a possible 30 points available. Simply add up your total score and divide it by 30 and that is the percentage I give you on getting "lucky" and succeeding.
It is a law of the universe. The more you risk, the better you plan, and the harder you work... the "luckier" you will be. Is it possible to get "lucky" with a 10% chance? You bet. But, you can increase your odds of getting lucky in every situation with some hard work, high tolerance for risk, and a great strategic mind.
So, how lucky are you? I guess it depends on how bad you want to be lucky. And how much effort you put into increasing your odds.
It seems to me... that the harder I work, the better I plan, and the more risk involved, the luckier I am.
May you become one of the "luckiest" people around, and when all the unlucky people watch your life, they just won't be able to understand why YOU are sooo lucky.
Enjoy Life!
Jon Bohm
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