Quick question: You walk into a room and you see that the room is flooded. On the far wall a sink is running on full blast and there is a mop leaning against the wall. What do you do?
This is the same scenario I see at many companies I walk into, and there is one of 3 choices that is actively being pursued:
1. The entire team is mopping like crazy - "this economy!" "run faster and work harder" or we will never get this cleaned up!
2. They walk in the flooded room- look around....and then leave. It's too much of a mess, let's just close the door and go back to sticking our head in the sand.
3. They turn off the faucet. Then they mop like crazy.
The choice is yours as you lead your organization. I recommend turning off the faucet by finding the root cause of negative results, behavior, or culture. To change behavior without changing the root cause is going to require a lot of mopping for a long time... in wet clothes. Nobody likes that.
Is it time to clean up your organization or life? Is it time to turn off the running faucet?
Making wet businesses dry,
Jon Bohm